Selected Publications
The complete list of published articles (including abstracts and links) is here.
- Where have all the children gone? An empirical study of child abandonment and abduction in China, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organizations, Volume 28, 2023, pgs. 95-119 (with X. Bao, K. Li and C. Long).
- The political economy of trade and labor mobility. Canadian Journal of Economics, Volume 54, 2021, pgs. 1737-1781 (with G. Torrens).
- The causal effect of competition on prices and quality: Field experimental evidence. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Volume 11, 2019, pages 33-56 (with. M. Busso).
- Voter Response to Peak and End Transfers: Evidence from a Conditional Cash Transfer Experiment. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Volume 11, 2019, pages 232-60 (with. N. Hajj, P. Ibarraran, N. Krishnaswamy and P. McEwan).
- International organizations and structural reforms. Journal of International Economics, Volume 121, 2019, 103249 (with I. Torre and G. Torrens).
- Why not taxation and representation? A note on the American Revolution. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 166, 2019, pages 28-52 (with G. Torrens).
- The half-life of happiness: Hedonic adaptation in the subjective well-being of poor slum dwellers to a large improvement in housing. Journal of the European Economic Association, Volume 16, 2018, pages 1189-1233 (with. P. Gertler and R. Undurraga).
- The effect of aid on growth: Evidence from a quasi-experiment. Journal of Economic Growth, Volume 22, 2017, pages 1-33 (with S. Knack, C. Xu and B. Zou).
- Estimating neighborhood choice models: Lessons from a housing assistance experiment. American Economic Review, Volume 105, 2015, pages 3385-3415 (with A. Murphy and J. Pantano).
- Autocracy, democracy and trade policy. Journal of International Economics, Volume 93, 2014, pages 173-193 (with G. Torrens).
- Factor endowments, democracy and trade policy convergence. Journal of Public Economic Theory, Volume 16, 2014, pages 119-156 (with N. Schofield and G. Torrens).
- Natural disasters and economic growth. Review of Economics and Statistics, Volume 95, 2013, pages 1549-1561 (with E. Cavallo, I. Noy and J. Pantano).
- Modeling informality formally: Households and firms. Economic Inquiry, Volume 50, 2012, pages 821-838 (with F. Weinschelbaum).
- Trends in tariff reforms and in the structure of wages. Review of Economics and Statistics, Volume 92, 2010, pages 482-494 (with G. Porto).
- Property rights for the poor: Effects of land titling. Journal of Public Economics, Volume 94, 2010, pages 700-729 (with E. Schargrodsky)
- The effect of pre-primary education on primary school performance. Journal of Public Economics, Volume 93, 2009, pages 219-234 (with S. Berlinski and P. Gertler).
- On the emergence of public education in land rich economies. Journal of Development Economics, Volume 86, 2008, pages 434-446 (with D. Heymann, C. Dabus and F. Thome).
- Giving children a better start: Preschool attendance and school-age profiles. Journal of Public Economics, Volume 92, 2008, pages 1416-1440 (with S. Berlinski and M. Manacorda).
- The Formation of Beliefs: Evidence from the Allocation of Land Titles to Squatters. Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 122, 2007, pages 209-41(with R. Di Tella and E. Schargrodsky).
- Water for life: The impact of the privatization of water supply on child mortality. Journal of Political Economy, Volume 113, 2005, pp. 83-120 (with P. Gertler and E. Schargrodsky).