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Chapters in Books

Internal and external validity of a geographical quasi-experiment embedded in a randomized control experiment, in Advances in Econometrics, Volume 38, M. Cattaneo and J. C. Escanciano (eds.), North-Holland, 2016 (with McEwan and Quistorff).
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Urban land titles: Lessons from a natural experiment, in Slums: How informal real estate markets work, Birch, E.; S. Chataraj and S. Wachter (eds.), University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016 (with E. Schargrodsky). 
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Land property rights, in Institutions, property rights and economic growth: The legacy of Douglass North, S. Galiani and I. Sened (eds.), Cambridge University Press, 2014 (with E. Schargrodsky).
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School management in the developing world, in Education policy in developing countries, Paul Glewwe (ed.), University of Chicago Press, 2013 (with R. Perez-Truglia).
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Political centralization and urban primacy: Evidence from national and provincial capitals in the Americas, in Understanding long-run economic growth: Geography, institutions and the knowledge economy, Costa, D. and N. Lamoreaux (eds.), National Bureau of Economic Research, 2011 (with S. Kim).
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Crime distribution and victim behavior during a crime wave, in The economics of crime: Lessons from Latin America, Di Tella, R., S. Edwards and E. Schargrodsky (eds.), National Bureau of Economic Research, 2010 (with R. Di Tella and E. Schargrodsky).
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Poverty, in Latin American development priorities: Costs and benefits, B. Lomborg (ed.), Cambridge University Press, 2010.
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Understanding reforms: The case of Argentina, in Understanding reform in Latin America, Fanelli, J. (ed.), Palgrave-Macmillan, 2007 (with C. Acuña and M. Tommasi).
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The benefits and costs of privatization in Argentina: A microeconomic analysis, in Privatization in Latin America: Myth and realities, Chong, A. and F. Lopez-De-Silanes (eds.), Stanford University Press, 2005 (with P. Gertler, E. Schargrodsky and F. Sturzenegger).
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Price instability and search, in Economics lab: An intensive course in experimental economics, Friedman, D. and A. Cassar (eds.), Routledge, 2004 (with M. Cura-Juri).
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The labor market, in A new economic history of Argentina, Della Paolera, G. and A. Taylor (eds.), Cambridge University Press, 2003 (with P. Gerchunoff). 
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The argentine privatization process and its aftermath: Some preliminary conclusions, in The impact of privatization in the Americas, Birch, M. and J. Haar (eds.), University of Miami, 2000 (with D. Petrecolla).
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